Displaying Donation Experiences 141 - 160 of 214 in total
Assalam Alakum to All of my Muslim Brothers!
Dears my wife is pragnant having O-ve blood, it may be possible to donate her blood hving O -ve. Please inform me if anyone wants to donate her O -ve Blood in future if it possible. i shall be thankful for his kindness and respect of human as well as a Muslim brotherhood.
My cell number is 03468730184
Hammad Ahmed 22 Jul, 2015
good work keep it up
Pir Sarfraz 06 Jul, 2015
Ya ikhwan Almuslimin , This is to request all of you please i am in need of O- blood and its urgent my mother she has to be operated as soon as possible doctors. Jazak Allah kher ( 03224302083 Ruman )
rumanfarrukh ( 03224302083 ) 26 Jun, 2015
I have donated blood 8 time to my family members and other needy personnel.
You really feel great if could help someone when no else one is there to help them out.
PakDonor is great site as when i needed blood for my elder brother (who became very short of platelets and symptoms of blood cancer), PakDonor gave me the willing donors.
Ishtiaque Bin Idrees 24 May, 2015
register on www.pakonlinebloodbank.com
Ibtisam 23 May, 2015
Dear Admin not receive detail on phone..... please resolve problem
Abbas Baig
Abbas Baig 22 Apr, 2015
AOA, Respected Admin i can't received your donor detail on text please resolve issue JAZAKALLAH
Abdul Rehman 17 Apr, 2015
saad 15 Apr, 2015
i need B-ve Blood Bonor in Karachi at PNS Shifa, Can anyone help me please???
please contact me at 0333-3397883, Mir Huda Ali
Mir Huda Ali 05 Apr, 2015
respected Admin i can't received your donor detail on text please fix it thanks........
Mir Huda Ali 05 Apr, 2015
respected Admin
i can't received your donor detail on text please fix it thanks........
Bilal 21 Mar, 2015
It was great experience, I donate it not regular basis but now decided to donate it regularly.
Azhar Abbas 18 Mar, 2015
No experience
Umesh Panjwani 18 Mar, 2015
O positive blood donor available for karachi. contact 03453073036/03128088598.
Moizuddin 19 Feb, 2015