Displaying Donation Experiences 161 - 180 of 214 in total
last time I've donated blood. i'm on duty one of my office worker told me his wife is in hospital for delivery. he need urgent blood for his wife .my blood group and his wife blood group is same u know my donation of blood save her life and i'm so thankful to ALLAH ALMIGHTY who gave me chance to serve humanity....and that was one of my best experience ever ..................................
fazal tawwab babar 09 Aug, 2014
I first time Donate Blood in the age of almost 16 years to Ravian Blood Donor Society Govt. College Lahore and after that i joined that society and working and donating continuously till my masters
. After that i start my own Blood donor society in my colony with the Name of "SAVER"
In 2010 i was suffered/seriously ill due to dengue and Doctors told me that in the future i never donate the blood that was the worst moment of my life i donate blood almost 18 years and motivate Thousands persons to donate blood and save human beings.
I believed that
Insaan her Qisam Ka Nasha Chour Sakta hay
Jis ko Khidmat Khalaq ka nasha lag jai woh khabi nahi chouta
Hadis S.A.W hay
Jis nah aik shakas ki jaan bachai goya us nah pouri insaniat ko bachaya.
Arfan Dar
Blood Group O+ve
Arfan Dar 08 Aug, 2014
hi iave nmsdbjsmn
Mine Shine 07 Jul, 2014
I donated blood 25th of Jan, that was an owsum experience of my live.
Ahmad Shakir 08 Jun, 2014
bilkul 03129391125
amjidkhan 27 May, 2014
In 2009 Mr. Zain belongs to Gujranwala and that time in UET Lahore, donate O- blood to my 4 month daughter and save her life. I am very thankful to Mr. Zain for whole life. After that I start to donate blood.
" Allah Ta'ala un logoon per apni rehmatein nazil farmay joo dosroon ki zingian bachaaty hain"
Muhammad Atique Tahiri 22 May, 2014
Asalam-o-Alaykom to all of y. Yesterday i donate my blood to my ofice collegue mother. She is suffering Boan Narrow prob. She blood group Group Is o+. I am requesting all of y ti kindly donate her as much as possible. She admitted at main Aga Khan Hospital. * she also req. WBC (Platelets) of same group. I mention here
"M.R Number 074.19.70.". & Contact person Name: Rahim Bhai
Contact Number: 0334-3885875 & Also contact on my cell number too. Plz do somthing for her...
waqas 06 May, 2014
I have donated my blood so many times, specially to my late father. after death of my father I am still donating my blood.
Farhan 05 May, 2014
Assalam-o-alaikum I want to donate my (O+) if some one need plz contact me 0332-4037118
Muhammad Awais Javaid 24 Apr, 2014
Allah please accept my donation . It is feeling very good to save a life , which we can do very easily.
I have donated blood about 26 time in my life. Its nt an experience its just an Qaraz of our Good Almigthy Allah so dnt think just do it.
Kamran Naqvi 03 Apr, 2014
Ask those who were once really in need of blood....
Muhammad Fawad Baig 01 Apr, 2014
Dear Friends,
O negative donors are needed for a major surgery scheduled this Thursday at OMI hospital Saddar.
Kindly confirm your availability before that on the given number. 0321-2196619
Moizuddin 11 Mar, 2014
Even every time i donate blood to anyone i feel very good. Its a great expereince please do it. Its a gift from Almightly Allah.
Aamir Khan 23 Apr, 2013
i want to donate blood A+ some one needy plz contact me 0334-3412918
Aamir 28 Nov, 2012
I want to donate my (A+) if some one need plz contact me
ghulam mujtaba 31 Oct, 2012
i am 24 years old and i am very happy to say that i have donate 18 times blood. yeh aik sadqa-e-jariya hy. so don't stop it. Blood Donation is HELTH of patient and Donner Also.
any time contact with me at any city i will tey for my best
Muahammad Asif
Muhammad Asif 30 Sep, 2012
Salam to all
I have donated blood many times at after every 3 - 4 months. I always keep one thing in mind that this act of saving life may please Allah Subhana.
Its very simple once all the blood testing done, you are all set to donate.
There is no better feeling in the world like saving the life.
I would strongly encourage all healthy persons to come forward and donate blood. No one knows when we will in place of recipient, so step-up and make a difference
Mohsin J. Sarwar 22 Sep, 2012
It doesn't cost anything to donate blood to someone, its just like you are giving someone fruits from your home grown tree, but may save someone's life. Many of my friends are afraid of donating blood as they think that it will lead to some weakness or illness,trust me ! nothing will happen, you will feel fresh, happy and proud as saving a life is like saving a mankind.
Asad Ilyas 01 Sep, 2012
few days to ago i have donate blood an patient but he is dead.
what i do feel?
Sajid Ali
Sajid Ali Qadri 24 Aug, 2012